First month of initial planting
8 Gallon Autumn
This is an 8 gallon display with the use of different types of Rotala indica stem plants in the background. The intent was to use colors ranging from green to yellow to orange to red. Hemianthus callichtroides were used for the foreground to create a thick carpet of green. The hardscape is an arrangement of Yamaya Stone. These stones were chosen especially for their dark grey tones to contrast the vibrant colors of the plants. This is an example of a display using only stones for its hardscape structure.
This 8 gallon display sits atop a custom cabinet fabricated to the dimensions of the glass to create a more simplistic feel. The filtration and carbon dioxide systems are easily hidden below. The attention is more easily brought to the display itself without losing the aesthetics in the exterior components.
Before trimming
Within a few weeks of first being planted, depending on the type of plants, you can get a full developed display. In stages, this piece of "living art" never looks the same. The display is dynamic and is required to be maintained. In weeks time you can see the amount of growth, and within a few months you can acquire a more "filled" and mature display.
8 gallon 2007
Filtration: Eheim Ecco 80
Lighting: 36 watt PC
Substrate: ADA Amazonia
Carbon Dioxide: Pressurized
Flora: Rotala indica 'Singapore', Rotala indica, Rotala indica 'green', Rotala sp. Nanjenshan, Hemianthus callichtroides (HC), Microcarpaea Minima
Fauna: Otocinclus (Ottos), Sphaerichthys osphromenoides (Chocolate Gourami), Caridina multidentata (Amano Shrimp), Hyphessobrycon amandae (Ember Tetra)